Why NY?

Notes on moving from Seattle to NY. Thoughts and views about things I discover in NY. What's cool and what sucks.

Friday, May 20, 2005


Originally uploaded by =B).
I got a call from MLB.com today. I've got a preliminary phone screen on tuesday. It's with a recruiter so it's not technical. Hopefully it's just a formality before a technical interview. It's all open source, java, struts, etc. I need to brush up on my java.

Wish me luck.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Home Depot NY

NY050520 032
Originally uploaded by =B).
This is what home depot looks like in Manhattan. Very nice. Frankly, the nicest home depot I've ever been to. It doesn't have the lumber section, but pretty much everything else.

I had my first street dog after shopping. Not bad. Not the best hot dog I've had, but convenient. I'd recommend at least one. The chicken skewers smell really good. I think I'll get one of those next.

NY050520 033
Originally uploaded by =B).

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A trip to whole foods at union square

NY050520 006
Originally uploaded by =B).
I found out there is a new whole foods in union square which is only about six stops away on the L from the house. I haven't had much chance to get into Manhattan much so I thought I'd go and check it out.

Afternoon in Union Square

Afternoon in Union Square
Originally uploaded by =B).
More views of people enjoying the weather.

More Square Statuary

More Square Statuary
Originally uploaded by =B).
Pretty nice relief on this thing. This is the center of the park

New Yorkers Hangin' in the Park

New Yorkers Hangin' in the Park
Originally uploaded by =B).
There were lots of NYU students and various professionals hanging out in Union Square Park on the beautiful day in NY

Washington Statue 2

Washington Statue 2
Originally uploaded by =B).

Washington Statue

Washington Statue
Originally uploaded by =B).
I think. We seem to be celebrating the union through statuary in Union Square

Union Square Station

Union Square Station
Originally uploaded by =B).
I like these subway entrances. They come up right in the park.

East West Books

East West Books
Originally uploaded by =B).
at the Himalayan institute. I thought some of you Tibetan studiers might like this.

A cool house in the villiage

A cool house in the villiage
Originally uploaded by =B).
I just really liked these windows. There is a tremendous amount of detail.

Strand Books

Strand Books
Originally uploaded by =B).
This place is pretty amazing. 18 miles of books, it claims. It looks like it from within as well. If you zoom in on the upper two floors you will notice they are completely filled with books

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Concrete Jungle

Concrete Jungle
Originally uploaded by =B).
This is around the corner. There's something cool about it, I just don't know what it is.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Daddy's home

Daddy's home
Originally uploaded by =B).
Eric coming home from work and getting mobbed by his kids, Kiwi (the little Jack Russell) and Blue (the lab puppy with the huge paws)

NYU Anthropology Building

NYU Anthropology Building
Originally uploaded by =B).
Could this be my future? We walked by this randomly looking for a place to get a bandaid for my blistered foot and a drink to celebrate Colleen's last exam.

One of these things is not like the other

This building looks like it's falling down . In fact most of it's condemned except for the upper right hand corner apartment. This is how you get cheap space in NYC.


Originally uploaded by =B).
Had an interview with Google today. Short, the guy was a little wierd. I'm not used to interviews where I'm not allowed to talk and I only get asked one question. I pretty useless phone screen, if you ask me, but I guess you have to eliminate candidates somehow when you get thousands of resumes daily.

Actually, I had this interview a week ago last friday. I'm still learning this photo blog thing.

Today I found out I didn't get it. Oh well.

Friday, May 06, 2005

The move is done.

Janice finally got everything out of the building in Seattle today. It's good to be done with that finally. I've been in NY almost a week and we were late two days getting our crap into storage. But, it's done now so we can focus on phase two, find a job and an apartment.

Since I'm starting this late, I'll be doing a little catch up.

Struggled to get everything out of the apartment and into storage. Have to delay my flight by a day. Not saying how much that cost, but it was more than the original ticket. Oh well. It had to happen. There was simply too much stuff left.

Finished up moving stuff into storage, at least most of it. One more run on the way to the airport. The building manager had a fit because three apartments moved out and there is garbage over-flowing in the dumpster. We're still here so we are getting the shit. For a fucking stoner he surely has an anger problem. Maybe he's out, because I thought his head was going to explode. What an asshole. I thought he was pretty cool for 2.5 years and he managed to fuck that up in about 10 minutes. Now, he's a complete and utterly selfish prick who obviously has no undestanding nor respect for other people and their struggles. In two words, Fuck Him.

Janice is being stand up and letting me get on my airplane. She's gonna have to clean all night and get rid of all the garbage our asshole building manager brought back into our apartment. Again, Fuck Him.

I left Seattle at 11:59pm on JetBlue for NY. If I wasn't so exhausted I might be excited.

Couldn't sleep on the red-eye so my eyes were probably pretty red when I arrived at JFK at 8:10 NY time (5:10 Seattle). I had to meet Eric at the Howard Beach station. Unfortunately, after getting my bags I disovered that I could only take the train to Federal Circle. After that I waited for a bus for twenty minutes that drove us through long term parking and finally to Howard Beach where I could meet Eric and catch the subway. I was probably at least an hour late by then. I really haven't had too many quality experiences with JFK. I guess I've only flown there a few times, though, so there's still time.

Eric led me from subway to subway (Howard Beach to Broadway Junction (transfer to L) to Morgan) and we finally arrived at the apartment.

It was pretty uneventful except when my suitcase fell over and almost took out the knee of the guy across from me. I don't think he was too happy. The suitcase did wheigh 61 lbs, after all.

I was a little wired so it took a while to settle. Once I did, though, I crashed until about 6pm. We had some grub and then Eric and I went to Kings County, a bar near the apartment. Nice place. After a few shots of tequila, we headed back where I proceeded to fall asleep again.